Yes, I don't think the guy is doing anything bad really, just sharing his inspiration folder or favourite maps he has amassed. Perhaps he should have asked permission from authors first, but he may have only intended a few people to see his collection. The only thing that irks me is there are some maps I don't recognise in interesting styles and there's no link back to the author so I can't check out what other stuff they have made.

If he was taking credit or trying to do anything commercial with them that would be a different matter entirely.

On a side note and I dunno about the rest of you but it is err... testimony to my map obsession that I have seen most of those before or recognise the places they depict. And know the names of many of the cartographers. There was even a Dun Darach map too!

Psychologists will be officially diagnosing us all with Cartophillia soon, I've no doubt.