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Thread: World Map WIP

  1. #31
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Yep, I agree with Natai. Also, definitely add rivers; it just wouldn't look the same without 'em!

  2. #32


    I should'a been keeping a closer eye on this, Yandor! Gotta say the rivers a great addition to that continent map, and personally, I like labels ^.^ I'm trying to get a good regional map into Illustrator to add a lot of roads and tiny labels; but of course, to each his own. For a whole continent a lot of labels might look a little overwhelming, whereas if you get to a national map or something about that size, more labels would be appropriate. Definitely label big rivers, important sites (battles, temples, capitals and big cities, &c. - maybe even major trade routes/roads, if that's appropriate). Bear in mind what you want to use the map for too - this looks like it's leaning towards geographic rather than a (straight up) political map, although you've started labeling non-geographic stuff like cities/capitals. Obviously you don't have to just label the geographic stuff, but too much "political labeling" might be lost in all that gorgeous geography ^.^

    - Alizarine
    "If they get too nosy, you know, just shoot them."
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  3. #33
    Guild Adept Yandor's Avatar
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    Thanks everyone for your comments! And Alizarine I'll keep much of that in mind when it comes to labeling more things, I was just thinking of labeling the cities and capitals, and sticking in some roads (maybe could use the trade routes one too) but if and when I get to the more "regional" map where I'll try and cut up the continent alittle more I'll start labeling more things.

    Anyways heres another small update, donno if I really like how the rivers "cut" into the forest, may need to tinker with it a bit to get a good effect, but I just did the right side of the map, and will do the left side (leaving the beast of the middle alone for now) Anyways tell me what you think!

    Oh and I messed with the snow on the peaks, I like this newer one but I still think I need to tweak it a bit more as well.
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    Last edited by Yandor; 05-05-2010 at 03:06 AM.
    WIP :: Carian Round... Who knows...

    Back Burner :: World Map

    Software: 99% Adobe Photoshop (CS4), Geo Control 2, Wilbur Every so often I use another program!

  4. #34


    This is coming along beautifully ^.^ And yeah, I was starting to think a bit too regional with those label comments. I really like your rivers, actually - they're not cleanly cutting through the forest but rather to wind through the trees, which is great. Personally, the icons feel a bit ... clean? plastic? I'm not really sure how to describe them, but while they look fantastic they don't really fit perfectly into the map. Maybe it's the stroke - color, size, I'm not sure. The colors of the icons and the shapes are excellent - easy to tell apart, but not so wildly different they should be on different maps. Maybe once I get some sleep those icons will fit better ^.^

    - Alizarine

    P.S. noticing that scale marker, I had a sudden revelation regarding size on my own maps, so thanks ^.^ Good luck with the other continents, when you get around to 'em!
    "If they get too nosy, you know, just shoot them."
    "Shoot them?"
    "Sir, I think there's a problem with your brain being missing ... at last, we can all retire to a life of luxury!"

  5. #35
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Looking good, man, looking good. I like the rivers, especially how they cut through the forests - that looks neat.

    I tend to agree with alizarine about the icons, however... if this is a continent, they seem way way too big. They seem to be icons more suited to a smaller regional map where one could expect to see towns and villages, not on a continental map. Also, I think on your key it should be 'site', not 'sight'.

  6. #36
    Guild Adept Yandor's Avatar
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    hmm I see what your saying, so what if I dropped the villages, and left the town and cities, maybe scaling them down a bit? Think that might do the trick? I'll mess with it a bit in the morning... but I will tinker with it, but in all I kind of like how it is, cause I don't plan on their being more villages or towns or anything then whats on their now... eh I don't know, any suggestions?
    WIP :: Carian Round... Who knows...

    Back Burner :: World Map

    Software: 99% Adobe Photoshop (CS4), Geo Control 2, Wilbur Every so often I use another program!

  7. #37
    Guild Adept Yandor's Avatar
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    Well while trying to figure out how to adjust the icons (didn't run into anything worth while, I'll keep toying) but I decided to do something a little outside the box... eh I was just bored and needed something else to focus on, so this is my... whats the right word... intermission! haha
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    WIP :: Carian Round... Who knows...

    Back Burner :: World Map

    Software: 99% Adobe Photoshop (CS4), Geo Control 2, Wilbur Every so often I use another program!

  8. #38


    Hey, now that's a really cool idea Vandor! I like it allot actually. The bright colors of your map make an interesting contrast with the parchment pages. I think this might be an idea worth pursuing further. My only comment would be that the image of the book, particularly the leather binding and gold decor are a bit out of focus. Otherwise looks good.


  9. #39
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Steel General's Avatar
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    That turned out quite nicely...well done!
    My Finished Maps | My Challenge Maps | Still poking around occasionally...

    Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.

  10. #40
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    That's a very ingenious idea! I like it. But yeah, the details on the book binding/outer parts could be more crisp.

    As for the icons: first and foremost, you have to like it. If it works for you, then by all means stay with it. But since you asked, yeah, you might try scaling down their size(s) just a bit and see how that looks.

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