Quote Originally Posted by Aval Penworth
Great ideas. In my scenario the people know that it is the act of sex combined with prayer that brings about conception, rather than being unaware of the connection. I don't want to go down a puritist road. So I was thinking that this was a society where there was no shame in sex( but not orgiastic and debauched.)

But how about the psychological impact that every citizen knows that they were wanted by their parents and granted life by their god?
Psychology 101: If there's no shame, there's no taboo, there's no reason NOT to do it (in the present)... so "Go. For. Gold"

I'd be getting the feeling that there would be a massive religious impact to childbirth. Those without Children have angered/are out of favour/are unholy in the eyes of the God/s. There could be a couple of 'industries' such as: Pray Me a Baby Mr Priest, Can I Buy A Baby from God X By Donations?, I'm Holy but my Wife/Husband Isn't... Can you give me one Holy Person?, etc.

The Psychology of "belonging" and "wantedness" and "inside the group-ness" basically requires CONSTANT and FREQUENT top-ups. If you want someone to feel a sense of belonging or being wanted, then they need to be shown examples of that regularly. "God X's Priest said Mummy and Daddy love me very much and so does God X cause s/he/it made me" doesn't work for very long before people grow skeptical about the "bad things in life". (Just go check out those nice disillusioned Catholics/Christians out there... and those from other mono-theistic religions)