Yes, never under estimate the value of a good barter - you can often get at much better "price" when no money is exchanged. And that goes for everything, for instance: in my garden I have had 6 inches of soil taken away and 6 inches of prima soil putten back on, and had a truck deliver 12 ton of gravel for some areas ... lot of money it would have cost me, but I've made a logo for the local farmer/truckdriver who helped me and he'll probably need some businesscards and stationary too (I hope) ... so I'm bringing my bill down Also getting ligthing in the garden done by an electrician who needs logo, business cards and a brochure.
And in addtion to that - don't under estimate the power of a good gesture either, in the profesional printing business it is amazing what you can get done with a six-pack or a nice bottle of wine when you go to the back door
I've published some cool magazines these last years and I hope to start as rpg-publisher next year (have to save some money first - yep the real stuff), and I do hope to be able to reward the (hopefully) contributing writers and illustrators with more than maps, if not from the start, then later on