It's a common problem. I'm pretty sure that I have the original FT file for Fargoth. Unless you have a machine circa 2000 with its corresponding OS and a copy of FT 1.23 then it won't do you any good. The original images were done with versions of FT that have a processor speed-sensitive bug, meaning that you won't necessarily get the same values without the same machine and the same (ancient) version of FT.

My recollection of the ancient times (1997-2002) when Fargoth was starting out tells me that the continental information generated by FT from the early version had very little to do with later items because the artists took great license with the height maps. FT has some characteristic artifacts that were deemed inappropriate. I am also thinking that maps were pulled from different FT worlds and put together into a single CCx file.

I'll take a look at the maps you have posted and see if there's something I can figure out.