Well, in last month's challenge I finally decided to push myself a little further than what I usually do in sat-style so I learned some new things. I knew that I wanted to put some lights in my next map and my usual dark sat-style seemed the best candidate instead of hand-drawn. Antique might have worked, too - that whole glowing runes around the edges or magical incantation words thing - but I'm doing some new sat stuff and I'm hoping to go further there. I spent all day Sunday doing the terrain - mostly hand-painting with textured brushes and colors and getting the blend modes right...I had about 50 layers. Monday, I started the labels and I knew what I wanted for my town markers. Last night I did the lights. I'm going to label up the whole map, hopefully, and the trek will cross the continent to some really spooky place like The Titanic Temple of Epic Eczema. The hardest part is trying to be serious and use serious-sounding names - I just can't help myself but be weird but I'm so tired of the usual sounding stuff like Blackburgh (I'd go with Darkspookyburgh). I tend toward the literal side sometimes when I have no idea and since the theme this month has the word light in it I'm going overboard on light-this, light-that, light beams, lighthearted.