My GTS works in HF2 and image type formats (JPG,PNG etc). I have resisted putting in zillions of format conversions into that app as it could go on and on - a bit like GM's specs. So what I do is write these tiny command line apps to do the conversions - sorta everything to HF2 and HF2 to everything so as to keep HF2 as the main format that I use.

So I have a mini command line app called BTtoHF2.exe and it takes in the final size and offset as well as input and output. So we can take one of Monks 10004 sized height maps in .ter run through Wilbur to get a BT and then I can go from this to HF2 and offset it into a 10240 sized tile at the same time.

The version of Wilbur I have does not have hf2 in it. I think last time I used L3DT to go BT to HF2 but I have lost my L3DT now. A TER to HF2 would also be a useful little app but for now I dont need it. Can you get away with a BT to HF2 in the same way.

Ultimately it would be excellent for me to output a series of greyscale maps for all the processing from GTS and get that into a TG2 run. But I think this time around I am going to use my texture compositor to do that job and create a bitmap which will look a lot like my CWBP tiles since its using the same set of textures and graphs. It will do lighting, shadows and so on and all the types of vegetation, water, snow etc but not in the nice procedural way that TG2 can. At this scale it wouldnt matter but it would be good to be able to go down to person level and render views out with procedural rocks, trees and clouds etc.

I ran it through last night whilst I was out and it did the snow and water, plus it fixed up the lighting but it was a land sprayed with DDT. No veg. Only after did I notice that it was failing to load the Veg map in due to me putting the wrong name of file in. So ill do another run today too.

On a little test after that it looked like igneous rock areas was causing some problem with the temperature going off the scale for some bizarre reason. That looks like a bug which I need to fix before proceeding with it to the end. Its probably loosing float precision. Still, should have something a lot better by end of today.