Hi Ascension - we always end up on the same thread sooner or later but you know me, if Photoshop is mentioned, I have to comment.

I would normally agree with you on that - but in this case, with the difficulty of opening PNG files, I don't think looking through the different ways to open a file and the labelling of the interface sections are going to hurt too much.

But yes, from then on, you can go and raid the tutes here - after all, this is what you'll be using Photoshop for anyway!

Be warned though - if you ask a question that's covered in the first few sections of the manual, I shall not answer (even though it'll take every fibber of my being to do so); unless, of course, you're referencing a passage in the manual that you're confused about and then I'll try and swoop in before Ascension says 'I told you so!'

I've got to be quick as I imagine he's already loading it into his clipboard for easy pasting as we speak!