Quote Originally Posted by wigwam View Post
I've had CC2 Pro for a long time and shelved it because I found it far too complicated to use. (Even when compared to Photoshop - whic is easy to get going with and takes a lifetime to master.)

Now I have upgraded to CC3 in an attempt to start afresh amd guess what - th whole thing is still far too complicated to use.

What I'd really like is a tutorial that is on two levels. 1st: it walks me through the basic way of creating a map (one of each for each of the modules. ie. a fracttal world, then an overland map, then a city, then a dungeon, then a perspective view, then a character or two, and so on!) 2nd: I create the same thing but the tutorial is stuffed with info on the tools used and their options.

So in the end I can get some artwork completed and feel good about myself. Then I can revisit the artwork and feel confient with the program.

Also if there were some embedded or acompanying video clips, sample stages of maps, user insights, .... All would be good!

It's a lot to ask for but I don't want ProFantasy software to be relegated to the pile of powerfull-but-poorly-documented software and left on my shelf again for another year or more!

Funny you ask about video, because June's Annual contribution was video.

SOrry, it does cost money to get the annual, but for that money, you get a lot of cool content.