Not only do I appreciate the nit-picking, I require it! As you say, when striving for accuracy and realism, there is nothing worse than coming across something that makes you go 'what the...", like some guy wearing a Timex in a gladiator movie.

I totally agree with your observations that all the islands are big and there is not enough variation of jaggedness to the coastlines. The island size in particular was something that popped into my head the other day when I was thinking about island chains like Hawai'i of which my map is sadly lacking. The original coastlines I had were actually much more jagged. I guess I'll give another round on smoothing some of them out.

So far I'm pleased with the way it is turning out, much thanks for the comments thusfar. Hopefully I should have another draft ready in a day or so as I've finished most of my previous goals.