The whole "don't be mean" bit comes across as a bit whiny and condescending. You seem to have made up your mind that people are going to "be mean" before you've even given us a chance. If you met someone in real life would you start out by demanding, repeatedly, that they not be rude before even giving them a chance to say a word? If someone did it to you, wouldn't you be a bit offended by it?

With that out of the way, your maps are pretty good for a first try. Dungeon maps like this aren't really my thing but I notice a few alignment issues in places: the boundary between the platform and the rock in the first map, and a few places in the walls of the second. I assume Photoshop has some sort of "guideline" function that will let you snap selections to it, that will help you line things up. You should also try to re-use existing selections, masks, etc rather than trying to draw the same shape multiple times. For instance, if you drew the cliff, then the platform on another layer, then turned the opacity of the platform layer into a selection, you could move to the cliff layer and cut out a hole that exactly matches the platform.

The "rock" texture is also a bit overwhelming and noisy. Something more subtle might be better, and/or you could restrict it to just the exposed walls. Personally, I'd leave the deep areas of unexposed rock as a flat colour and just fade into the texture at the walls.

I hope you found that helpful and "not mean".