Done, jbgibson The river/canal has a shadow within the city, and some of the fields lie fallow. I'm really too lazy for ships getting unloaded, damaged buildings and so on Though I have to admit that it would be great.
Concerning the bridge: Yeah, there's a ferry a bit downstream. I have to admit that I never thought about floods destroying the bridge... but I think magic has to be involved anyways, as the it spans about 2km.
As it's probably really an important status symbol (after all the king resides in Merridia), they'll take a quite high price for crossing the bridge, so there's enough money for maintaining it. That's why the ferry still exists...
Thank you for your kind words, I feel very flattered :-)

Placing the buildings was the least time-consuming thing in this map... that's why they look a bit weird in some places and all have the same color I'd like to have a look at your map, is there any WIP-thread at the guild?
Thanks for the rep, I love that second pip. Makes me want more

So... I'll upload my final version with labels and all in a minute. I had one before reading jbgibsons suggestions, but they seemed too important to ignore