Thanks to those who voted for my entry.... I wish had another 3-4 hours available to have worked on it, but as it was, I threw together 8 tree brushes(and they looked rushed!), the "houses", the inset "cave", and the palisade brush in about 2 hours this morning... I still wish I had had time to do several more things such as better trees and housing, but I am quite darn proud of my palisade brush...I think that turned out pretty darn well...

And, as I expected, Moe is the early front runner and Vascant has a respectable 2nd place so far....

And now.. for the rest of the story I could not get into the post itself:

Gronk boasts a 100% graduation date... but that perfect record is due in large part that every failing student meets with some untimely "accidental" death. This map was created by a young student named Burgnkok. Out boredom one day, Burgnkok started drawing a map(perhaps in a plan to escape???). And while Burgnkok was a semi-talented artist(for an ork) and well as fairly smart, his gross motor skills prevented him from making many of the intricate movements required for spellcasting.

Unfortunately, Gronk found his talent for art(but not this map) and had his fingers broken....well.... as to be expected, ork shaman with broken fingers can't cast spells very well and..well..Burgnkok "decided" that he should commit suicide by jumping off the cliff(coincidentally, it seems that many students choose this exact same spot to kill themselves). Not long afterwards Krangnar, a brute by any definition of the word, joined the school and found the map under Burgnkok's bedding and well... he took the map as his own work. Unfortunately Gronk determined fairly quickly that Krangnar's brain was far smaller than his brawn and he also disappeared under mysterious circumstances along with the map... Perhaps the map may one day see the light of day again.. or perhaps some rats or wolves at it at the bottom of a cliff somewhere.....