The MDR file format is a simple format that consists of a 1024-byte header followed by a raster block of 32-bit floating-point samples. Byte order of all fields and data is Intel order (LSB first). The VC++ structure definition for the file header is shown below:


// make sure we're aligned on 2-byte boundaries for this declaration
#pragma pack(push)
#pragma pack(2)

// map structure definitions
struct MDRHeader



			char   Chunk[4];    // name of chunk - should be "WLBR"
			int    Next;        // offset in file to next data (unused)

			char   Name[256];   // name associated with the data (unused)

			double Left;        // min longitude
			double Right;       // max longitude
			double Top;         // max latitude
			double Bottom;      // min latitude

			double Min;         // lowest point on surface
			double Max;         // highest point on surface

			double XRes;        // distance between X points (right - left) / XSize
			double YRes;        // distance between Y points (top - bottom) / YSize

			int    Version;     // version number (unused, should be 0)
			int    TypeInfo;    // type information (should always be 0)
			char   SurfName[8]; // name of data block (unused)
			void** SurfData;    // pointer to surface data (unused)

			char   PicName[8];  // name of picture block (unused)
			void** PicData;     // pointer to image data (unused)

			int    XSize;       // width of blocks
			int    YSize;       // height of blocks

		}; // struct

			char Padding[1024]; // make the structure 1024 bytes long

	}; // union

}; // MDRHeader

#pragma pack(pop)
There is a problem with 32-bit MDR vs. 64-bit MDR files embodied in the pointers in the structure. There will likely be an offset from 32-bit vs 64-bit files.