For me, it doesn't matter if it's writing or drawing cartoons, I have two keys to beating procrastination:

1) Outline/plan.
For writing I have a standardized template that I start with, no matter what. For cartooning, I always start with a circle for a head. Every cartoon. This beats the problem of staring at a blank page. Having this process established leads immediately to number 2.

2) Create a habit.
A habit is a process that begins out of a trigger. Habits are important because they are "free energy". Take brushing your teeth. How much effort does it take to brush your teeth after putting toothpaste on the toothbrush? It takes me none because brushing is a habit. As soon as I have my outline or circle, I can immediately, and without expenditure of energy, get started.

So, find something to start with as a trigger every time
It could even be just playing a particular piece of music, but having that trigger will make an incredible difference in beating procrastination.