I believe that waldornate is referring to a) "purists" - those who seem to always refer to their maps by the type of projection used to show the map , and b) "projection" - the method used to represent a spherical globe on a flat 2d surface (and I DO expect the "purists" to put me in my place by giving a PROPER definition of "projection") of which there are many. My understanding (limited at best) is that ALL projections have distortion to some extent or another, but some are worse that others. To the "non-purist" projection is the LAST thing to concern ourselves with.....

I will now run and hide in my cave before I get overrun by the stampede coming to teach me the error of my ways

BTW, I like the layout of the map, but I am not too sure what some of your mountain sourced rivers are doing.....they seem to be either staying in the mountains or traveling through them....