It was not for lack of skill that the CWBP became inactive. One of the driving forces was the Wiki that went with it and unfortunately, when the Guild suffered a severe hack/spam attack, the wiki got hit and for the worse. There were a lot of work done, both map-wise and in the wiki, by some great talent and it is a shame that it got dropped the way it did. If we ever do this again I am sure that we would do it taking into account some of the lessons learned.

One thing that I know for sure is that once again ALL COMERS would be welcome. As in the last one all sorts of styles were used, and given the vast talent (present and potential) here at the guild, I doubt that there will too much demand that one style rule over another.

Having said all that, all I can say is that I hope there is a new CWBP down the road, but I can't say for sure that there will be.