That is looking good, it may just be worth the extra effort you are putting in.

Corilliant, you are welcome to develop whatever you wish for the world in whatever capacity, be it stories, civilizations, or even a lists of names for a country. I might suggest that you start a new thread for each module you wish to develop with the tag "CWBP 2" in the beginning of the thread title. For example: "CWBP 2: The History of Heurvale and its Environs" or "CWBP 2: A Brief Summery of Plaje; A Guide Book" or "CWBP 2: The Fluara and Fauna of Gaster" etc. Also include the plot number in brackets eg. "CWBP 2: The History of Heurvale and its Environs (4)" The same will be done for mapping development threads eg "CWBP 2: Map of Gaster (6)" where "(6)" indicates the plot number.

Keep in mind the rough guidelines which still have not been collated into a brief, but which can be found in these threads:,,,
Some of these (such as my neglected overview thread may be out of date so try and take note of the post date. Also keep in mind that if you want to apply your changes to a specific area of the map, you should claim that plot for development even if you are not making a map of it, and then when done it will be released for mapping with your information attached. ie if you claim plot 4 and write background for it but don't map it, the information will be tagged to plot 4 so if someone comes in to map it they use your information to form the country.

Also keep in mind that plot size ideally should be kept around 5oo km square give or take a few hundred (actually its the upper limit we'd like to maintain, people may develop plots as small as they wish). That too should be reflected in the information developed for plots, so information is geared specifically for a territory, as opposed to general continent or world wide information.

Speaking of plots I think its time that we should open up the map for the land grab, Azelor.