So I'm working on a cave map (you can see the WIP here) and I've gotten to the point where I'm wanting to start filling up the "rooms" with signs of life.

I'm having a hard time figuring out what to put in it, though. I've got lists of buildings to include in city maps and garrisons, but most of those don't apply at all in this situation. For one thing, the village is underground in a warren of tunnels and caves. For another, they're a simple tribe who hunt for their food (so no farms), craft items on an individual basis (so no workshops), and share as needed (so no commercial shops either).

So far, all I've got is:

  • Healer's Den
  • A couple of armouries at the tunnel entrances and throughout the caverns to fight off rogue mole-like creatures that live in the tunnels with them
  • Council chamber where the village gathers for rituals and meetings
  • Hot springs "bath house"
  • Small caves and off-shoot tunnels for food storage

The rest are mostly homes with simple furnishings. That's not a heck of a lot for a map made up of three levels of tunnels and caves on a 220x180 foot scale. Does anyone have any ideas of what else I could include on this map?