Guildworld is still growing, Josiah, and so is the city. With all big projects like this there is always an initial rush as everyone gets carried away by the idea, and then when the hard work begins there will always be a slow down, and a few districts that never seem to get started.

I believe John divided the city into twice as many plots as we had mappers to map them right at the outset to allow for late comers to join in. I think that was a wise move, since if you look at Guildworld John is now having to draw extra islands into the world map to allow late comers to do their bit.

Doing a district map also takes a lot of time out of a participant's quota of mapping hours, and will always come second to commission work and the matters of daily life, but I don't see that these delays are a huge problem at all. Far better that people enjoy doing their bit than start to feel like its a chore they have to do.

I don't expect the city will be 'finished' for a couple of years yet, but when the original districts are eventually all taken it may even grow beyond the initial boundaries to include many new suburbs over the years, and might even still be growing in fits and starts with each new generation of young mappers who suddenly discover it in the years to come when I at least may be long gone.

For me, contributing to the city is a way of leaving something behind that other people can enjoy.