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Thread: First draft of my world map

  1. #1

    Default First draft of my world map

    I am starting on a homebrew campaign for DnD and have started mapping out the world. Before I started getting into the details of the map itself, I wanted some feedback on the structure I have so far. I followed some guides on Plate Tectonics to try and create realistic continents and mountain ranges.

    Basically I want to make sure everything makes sense. The continent shapes and sizes. Mountain ranges. Rivers and forests. Also I am still deciding on the scale. Right now I am thinking of having it be 200 miles per square.

    Also, for the circular mountain range in the south west corner of the map; It was magically created by an isolationist nation in order to remain protected from the outside world. That is why it wraps around the whole coast like it does.

    Thanks for any feedback!


  2. #2


    Hi Tamhelsel, I want to preface by saying that you have already done more world mapping than I have so don't read too much into the below.

    This looks like a great start! I don't claim to be an expert but the one thing that strikes me as odd is that the northern continent has so may rivers and forests on one side and nothing on the other. I would think if there was that much rain falling on the mountains, there would be a river or something on the western side of the range (Thinking on this as the continental divide in NA). Also, (this is purely an opinion so take with a grain of salt) the rivers look a little uniform all being parallel. I think the structure of the mountains ranges look good, the range spans from the northern island all the way down to the southwest by way of the islands.

    It also looks like you took after the idea of these continents being all one Pangea like mass sometime in history. This feels real and is accomplished well.

    Great job overall and I would be happy to discuss further if you would like.

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