17. This is looking pretty good so lets get to the finish work. Click on the “brown” layer and create a new layer. Rename this layer to “frame”. Zoom in to 1600% so that we can see each pixel and get to know them a little bit Move the map so that you are looking at the very top left. Make sure that the ruler is showing and click the Move tool (it looks like a pointer with a plus sign). Click on the ruler and drag out a guide to the fifteenth pixel from the top. Do this again but from the left side. Move the map to the bottom right corner and drag out a guide to the fifteenth pixel from the bottom and one from the right side. Zoom back out. Grab the Marquee tool. Drag out a selection that fills in this marked area. Fill with black. View > Clear guides. Ctrl-click this layer and Select > Modify > Contract = 15. Hit the delete key and deselect. Create a new layer, name it anything you want and drag out some more guides. These guides will be 40 pixels from the edge of the image. Marquee this area, fill with black, and deselect. Clear guides. Ctrl-click this layer, Select > Modify > Contract = 5, hit delete and deselect. You should now have a thick frame and a thin frame. Merge down (ctrl-e). If you have rings or text showing through, then go and erase them.