Wow, people have been posting some great maps the last few weeks. This is another beautiful map and I have given you some reputation for it. I keep giving it out nowadays

I like the overall layout of your map very much, as well as the mountains, forests and different terrain types. Some small points of criticism or suggestions:

- Some of the roads seem to be on TOP of the forests.
- The city contours could stand out some more from the terrain (I love the contours, by the way!)
- Maybe add some sandy beaches. As you have already placed different terrain types it would add something I think.
- The rivers and roads are making a lot of twists and turns but to me it's not always obvious why. Some of the roads on the plains could be a bit straighter I think?

Well, it's a great map. I wasn't too sure about the texture for the sea at first, but it definitely fits this style!