In a cartesian grid on a sphere, the parallels (lines of constant latitude such as equator, tropics, and so on) are straight, never intersect, and are of different length. The meridians, in contrast, are straight, all intersect at the north and south pole, and are of the same length. Meridians and parallels always intersect everywhere at right angles.

The geometry just described only works for a sphere. To draw the map onto a plane (e.g. a sheet of paper), the sphere must be stretched out to a plane. This stretching is done via a mathematical transformation referred to as a map projection. The parallels and meridians from the sphere will assume shapes on the plane characteristic of the projection. If the parallels are straight and never intersect on the plane, and the shape is a rectangle, then the projection is of family of a projections called cylindrical projections (see ). The most common projection (and one that people are likely to have seen many times in their life) is a kind of navigation map called the Mercator projection. It has the property that parallels are parallel on the plane, but they are unevenly spaced.

You say that you didn't consciously use any map projection, and I agree. However, drawing what you described as a whole-world map onto a rectangle and then drawing red lines that look like parallels at increasing distance from the central line strongly suggests something akin to a Mercator projection, even if it wasn't intentional. Even if you didn't intend for the red lines to be parallels, but intended them for "climate zones", one thing that you'll find is that climate zones follow latitude because that's how sunlight is distributed on a sphere that's spinning on an axis that's tilted relative to its orbit.

The simplest way forward (not the best, but the simplest) is to keep your flat map as Mercator and accept the area distortions that get you back to a sphere. If you really need the large high-latitude landmasses for story purposes, you're going to have to do a bit of work to keep those. If you haven't invested a huge amount of effort into how things relate to each other on your map, the simplest way to try to keep your landmasses is probably to redraw them on a sphere and unproject from there.