Quote Originally Posted by Korash View Post
Well here it is. Like Ascension said, the rivers are a little "beveled" in the highlands. I will have to try waldronate's suggestion the next time.

I do have a question though: It seems to me that there are maybe a bit too many rivers for my taste. Is there a way to lower the instance of river generation in Wilbur, or is it a question of painting them out in either Wilbur or Gimp?

Also, for some reason, I seem to have a few places where either the water is showing through the land or the land is blurred on the water. What did I do wrong?
Flow Exponent is approximately equal to number of rivers (smaller exponent = more rivers)

Amount is clipped when it would go below 0, which is what gives the wide steep-walled valleys. To prevent this amount from actually going to 0, use effect with a value like 0.75, which uses 75% of the result.

The features in that user interface are a leetle peculiar. They are a direct control over parameters in the underlying model rather than more user-friendly values. I guess I'm just that sort of guy.