I don't have the time to check every map to see if it actually met the criteria or not and I'm not gonna disqualify anyone for violations because I could have been more helpful.

I picked Torq cuz I'm so envious of those colors...very pleasant to look at.
I picked RobA cuz that style is so difficult.
I picked Map Vandal because I like his twisty rivers and nice colors.
I picked Torstan cuz it retains a hand drawn look but stylish as well.
My Honorable Mention goes to Korba cuz he made a map that I thought was me.
Overwatch has a cool style and will probably be duking it out often for wins.
Benarius is also quite nice but the colors were a bit too bright for me; joining and jumping into a challenge right off is tough and with a bit of refinement he'll be pushing us to do better soon as well.