I bought my dad a new road atlas for father's day the other day and this kind of reminds me of that. In there they just use black triangles to designate significant mountain peaks. If you wanted to go to the more topographic style then we'd need to know what software you are using...if it's Photoshop then you might want to read thru some of my tuts. Not everyone likes my mtns either so who knows. The best advice I could give right now is to look thru the Finished Maps section and see what grabs your eye then look into the WIP threads to see how they did it. Often the WIP threads will point to a tutorial that they used.

Overall, though, I'd say you have a nice start (like the others have said) and for this clean and clear style I'd forget about realistic forests...just use darker green amorphous blobs (not too dark just a lil darker). Getting all of the things to mesh together is the hardest part of mapping (aside from rivers) so know that you're not alone is this and we'll do our best to help ya out if we can.