Quote Originally Posted by Ascension View Post
Looking at these I was thinking to myself, "Man, I wish I could do these but I don't even know where to begin." "What sorts of things does a space ship need?" And many other questions. So then I thought, why not ask you for a tutorial on how to go about it...theory, practical needs of the crew, all that stuff. I think that would be an awesome tut for those of us who want to try.

Obviously, I think the work is sweet stuff.
As a sci-fi gamer, I'd have to say that the ship's equipment, layout, crew complement and facilities depend heavily on the universe you game in, and the ruleset that describes that universe.

eg. if your ship runs on antimatter, you need little or no fuel tankage, if you have replicators you need little or no stores, if your ship is an AI you need little or no crew, etc.

In short, some knowledge of the manufacturing technology will put some limits on the length of that particular piece of string.

Any decent sci-fi ruleset will have ship design rules. That would be your best starting point, perhaps.

Nice ship design.