Both those maps look great . . . I would love for you to do the project, when you have the time. Time frame is flexible, by January or February? I'm going to be printing out a 2nd draft of the PHB this fall (if you'd like a copy I can send one to you) for playtesting and final editing, and hope to have it finalized by the spring.
In terms of a city map, the example you gave is perfect; ground level only. I'm going to try and get Alexandre to do a skyline view for artwork. The tarls in the Third Kingdom where partly inspired by classical Athens and the "Long Wall", so a tarl consists not only of an urban center but the land around, all contained within a perimeter wall. Assume the average tarl is one or two square miles, the boundary wall might be ten or fifteen miles from the city center, with small settlements scattered throughout between the wall and the urban center. So maybe two city maps; one of the entire tarl and the other of the urban center?

Thanks again,
