I'll try to answer, although I speak very little English.

Indeed, the effects can produce beautiful maps in CC3 (you'll find some examples in my albums )

I have no tutorial, but I advise you to use the templates provided with the software, which still contain some effects. It enables you already see what you can do.

The effects principle is as follows:

It is possible to assign effects on each sheet, and on the entire map. So, the effects are cumulatives.
The effects are applied to objects or symbols placed on the sheet.
The main effects are : blur, glow (inside and outside the objects), edge fade (inside and outside), transparency. You can also apply a texture, or a displace effect.
Parameter values are expressed in miles, and should therefore be consistent with the size of your map.
For example: for the blur effect, the radius will be 1 miles or 10 miles, which will show the objects more or less fuzzy, if you are on a local map. But for a continental map, the radius will be 50 or 100 miles.

That said, as I also struggled to understand the effects, I might try to make a tutorial. But someone has to correct the mistakes of language