An awesome tutorial!
Sadly, I'm having a few problems with this tutorial...
I'll be quite detailed here, so please excuse the wall of text.

(Oh, I am using Photoshop CS4)

Part 2 - Page 5
After I've created the "ocean emphasis texture" layer,
I can't "group with previous". I can, however, select both the "ocean emphasis texure" layer and the "ocean emphasis" layer and then group them together by doing:
layer > group layers (or ctrl+G)

Now; I realise that it could simply be because I am using CS4, the point is; I don't know ...

My second problem is the step afterwards (which I attempted after grouping the "ocean emphasis texture" and the "ocean emphasis" layer with ctrl+G).
When I move on it says that I should;
Edit > Fill ... Pattern (wrinkles) - but there's my problem; I don't have the "wrinkles" pattern! (Or any other pattern for that matter, except "bubbles" and "tie dye")

So basically... How do I add more patterns?

I give many thanks in advance
The end