Merry Christmas/Kwanzaa/Chanukkah/Midwinter/Festivus/Whatever Y'All!

I'm hoping for Leveller or WorldMachine or GeoControl or all of the above. Not expecting any of them, but hoping.

I've already told my wife, she doesn't have to get me anything for Christmas, just let me put it a few evenings on my map work . I waited till all of my grades posted before I said that, though. I always live in terror that I'll be disgraced by an f-bomb or even a d-bomb. Since I only have one more term, I'll just sigh and go back to grinning if I get a c-bomb. Sorry, I'm talking about myself. Self-centered bastard...

Insert-your-favorite-holiday Greetings to all of you wonderful people and may you be filled with the spirit of Jesus/Santa/Hanukkah Harry/Kwanzaa Kimbuku/whatever. Damn, but generic holidays are difficult!