Quote Originally Posted by Midgardsormr View Post
I just need to figure out how best to get the tree into CC3. At the moment, I'm having trouble with the transparency at the moment--do I need to explicitly define an alpha channel in a png?
Is your hand drawn tree a PNG with a transparent background layer? How do you plan on getting it into CC3 - by just inserting the file?

If so, from Draw menu in CC3 select Insert File... Click the Bitmap Options button on the bottom of the Insert File box that pops up. Select Alpha Transparency on the Bitmap Options box that pops up and click OK to close that box, then navigate to your PNG file location in the Insert File box and click Open. You will then be asked to select first corner and second corner for where you want the bitmap to appear in the drawing.

That's the easiest way to get it in there. You could of course define it as a symbol, but that's a little more involved.

I'm not the best person to ask about PNGs and layers and transparency before they get into CC3, but I do know what to do with them once they're in CC3.