Thanks for all the compliments! This whole thing was a fun experiment.

I did it all in photoshop, started with a white background then on another layer, I drew all the outlines with a 2/3px hard mechanical brush. Then I basically coloured it all in by hand, doing each bit on its own layer. Tried to stick with bold colours mainly, rather than the more desaturated palette I usually use. I tried a dawn/twilight palette at first, but it didn't work out.

The skyline uses a gradiant as does the forest, which fades into a darker green. The forest also has an inner shadow to give it the illusion of depth (oh how I love layer styles). The sunbeam was just a solid yellow bit, blurred and then the layer turned to soft light.
Oh, and the leaves were a brush I found ages ago from brusheezy or something. I was originally going to go with cherry blossom but I couldn't get it too look right. I wanted to try an interesting border though the mountains are supposed to sort of frame the whole thing anyway.