I had no idea how many offers I would get and now find myself suffering from an embarrassment of riches; to wit, more offers than I can use at once. But, I have another adventure on the back-burner that I could run for a group at GenCon, so I will commission maps for that one, too. Now I can use twice as many of the offers, but will still have a surplus of offers.
The adventure is called Onto the Devil’s Skillet
Please forgive the impersonal nature of this mass reply; I am addressing people from two sites.
Those listed below, please send to tkask@cinci.rr.com for direct communications.

NeonKnight—talk to me
Zanazaz---talk to me
Dave L—coloring could have cover potential
JiveMiguel—The right map like yours could become a cover
Turgenev—what you sent me would work
Vmat2—old school map
Mrrkyl—talk to me

I’m ready to go with both, altho’ the one is much more time-sensitive.