This is a long shot. I'm doing this thing in 3D in POVRay to see what I, and it, can achieve. I'm also experimenting with another sort of challenge someone posted about how to map a building on a cliff side. Heck, go for broke, why not??!!

It might be a tad tricky to pull it off and I'm not sure how exactly I'm gonna present the final version so that it qualifies as a map worthy of even being here. So why put it here?
Well, because the rules say so, but mainly to make sure I do it! By going public I'm kinda gonna look like a complete screwup if I don't at least complete most of it.

It took me a few days to summon the wotsit to do this and I only started yesterday, so ---- when's the last date for modifications????? Erm, 26th??

Anyway - The Temple of Light is a Solur Nexedfice in the Desert of (somewhere hot sounding)... erm... Kharaghan. (It'll do.)
This ancient volcanic plug tabletop hill rises over 200m over the surrounding desert plains, and its core material attracts the sun's energy with a major intensity, especially when reinforced by the Nexomantic Incantations of the Solur Munks who maintain, operate and distribute the energy collected via the Nexus Maze.
The Munkhaven has been carved into the living rock about halfway up the sides where it is shielded from the intensity of the Solur Lance that is focussed by the Solurium Nexus Edifice itself (the currently invisble thing on the top!)
The rest, well it's all Nexomantics and highly secret.

Anyway - here's a side angle view. I've created a height_field (several hours with PSP X and Wilbur (thanx Waldronate, good prog!)) and I've put in the main foundations for the Munkhaven - they'll probably repaint these later!

### Latest WIP ###
Nexedifice 001.jpg

Did I do this right??