Well, I originally scribbled up the first maps to this world when I was oh, 10. Fast forward 12 years and a lot of trial and error, and I came up with some almost alright looking maps from CC3. What I need isn't really feedback on these maps, but ways that I can easily translate what I have here into a nice looking finished product, like you'd get from RobA's tutorial here:


Mostly, I just wanted to get reactions about this. I didn't learn via tutorials when I was using CC3, I just trial-and-error-ed (oh so many errors) my way through, and muddled these out. I'm trying to actually go about learning GIMP, but... well, I'd like to know where you guys think I should go to learn that as well, if you have any ideas. Sorry for rambling on like this in my first non-introductory post! Thanks in advance for the feedback!
-Screen Name
