I'm a self-employed guy in Sweden and work mostly with a content-management system I've built myself in PHP named Atlas. This is my main source of income with customers hosting their web sites in my system.

Apart from that, I enjoy photography, design, painting, drawing and playing games. I am here because I am working on a Myst Book Project where I try to create a old-looking book written and illustrated as if I was experiencing the game first person. The Myst series of games have a tendency to spawn a multitude of notes, maps, sketches and such, so this was a natural step. In these books, I create maps of each "Age" as it is called. I am here to seek advice on how to further my technique and make better maps.

You can see the Myst Book Project here: http://sandman.net/myst and my homepage is otherwise here: http://sandman.net, but it's mainly in Swedish.

I apologize for not introducing myself earlier - I'm not a heavy forum user, so you'll have to forgive me