Quote Originally Posted by su_liam View Post
I see what you're saying there Waldron. Strangely, while I'm pretty well grounded in the math, I have a lot of trouble visualizing the results.

I'm curious is there any way to get a mask of basin areas from the Fill Basins filter? Failing that, and perhaps more generally useful, could you have a 'Select Flat' option. That is a selector that scans a window around each pixel(say 3x3) and selects that pixel if and only if all points within that window are within a given variation(epsilon?) of each other. Then you could noise up the supernaturally flat basins while leaving the yummy ridginess of the mountains pristine.

I wasn't initially sold on the terracing produced by the Remap Altitudes, but I like how the Precipiton mostly beats that down. It also erases a lot of the streambeds. Another thin Incise Flow at that point might be nice. (?)

Anyway this deserves a rep.

One way to select flat items is to use a shader trick. In the Wilbur shader, set the land color list to one white color and the Intensity to be 90 degrees elevation with 1000 vertical exaggeration. Then all flat (or nearly flat) areas will be white and all non-flat areas will be black. Texture>>Transfer>>Texture to Selection will make the selection from the displayed image so basins will be selected and non-basins won't. I agree, though, that it would be nicer to have an option such as you suggest that would perform this trick in one step.