Continuing to meet the demands of fledgling fantasy novelists the world over, this is a recent "commission-in-progress".


...Did I mention how much work hand drawn mountains are?

this was a first go at the dithering, and I think it is a bit heavy - I'll lighten it up in the main land and decrease the patterning in the desert areas. I'm happy about how depicting the roads using negative space turned out.

The font is mostly Fiorenza II except the 'e' was too hard to read, imoo, so it took a quick trip through fontforge...

I'll still be enlarging the fonts slightly to improve legibility at the 300dpi printed size, as well as adding additional labeling, decorative border, compass, scale, etc...

Right now the city icons represent size, but I;ve been asked to make them all the same so that, too will change.

I'm also really tempted to leave the oceans blank... I like the contrast...

Looking for suggestion/critique, as always..

-Rob A>