Hi, folks,

I hope someone can help me understand what I might be missing as I try to follow Jonathan Robert's mini-tutorials that he's been posting on Fantastic Maps and Google+.

I was able to use several of the Layer Effect scripts succesfully, specifically Stroke and Inner Glow. However, I couldn't get the Outer Glow or Drop Shadow scripts to do what I think they should. The both created a layer that darkened all the walls in addition to creating a glow or shadow effect. I was able to create a similar effect manually, but I wonder if there's something I'm missing about how these scripts function. Any suggestions?

I created a really simple example to reproduce the problem I'm seeing. I've attached the GIMP .xcf file that includes the "broken" layers as well as my work-arounds. Thanks for any suggestions. And many thanks to Jonathan for posting such great info.

