Quote Originally Posted by RobA View Post
Try a texture like this for your cliff:

(I just made it up...)

Paint a hard line at the top of the cliff face.
Select the cliff face area.
Enlarge the selection to include the stroke.
Filter->Noise->Slur, and repeat it a few times with different amounts. This randomly pulls down pixels through the cliff face selection.
Do a motion blur at 270degrees (straight down), setting the length of the blur to the size of the cliff.
Add a layer, fill the selection 50% grey.
Bump map the solid layer, using the streaky blurred one as the source, set layer to 50% opacity.
Duplicate layer, set to overlay, 100%

Here are the three layers I have, l-r: blurred slurs, 40% normal, 100% overlay:

-Rob A>
Yup, it's official. Rob's a freaking GIMP wizard.