I'm a DM who runs a lot of online adventures via roll20. The main problem I always ran in to was the maps. I toyed around with things like dungeon tiles and the like, but I got frustrated. So, I turned to Campaign Cartographer 3. I downloaded the Demo, and was impressed... however I decided that the program was still a bit too limited for my taste. So, I decided to try out Photoshop. So far, I'm loving it. I really think Photoshop includes everything I want in a map maker.

All that to say, I need a bit of help with this map. I'm no artist... I've never done much more than doodles on scratch paper while in boring situations. Luckily I do know a tad about color theory, via my Sister who is a professional Artist.

So, after a days worth of work, I'm decently pleased with what I've been able to come up with (I checked out a few tutorials from here, as well as on fantasicmaps.com).

My problem is that I can't seem to figure out what to do in order to complete 3 parts of my map.

The fountain, in the middle of the church's courtyard, should look like an old, moss-covered fountain.
The ground/rock is a cliff overlooking a massive 500-foot drop into....
The Ocean, which should look more storm-tossed.

So, if anyone knows of any tutorials or tips they could clue me in on, it'd be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Creepy Church.jpg