
My name is Sebastian Bowles and I am starting work on a new fantasy novel series and am looking for a professional looking world map to go along with the books.

I will enclose a rough sketch of the world setting I am going to work with (you can revise and add stuff etc. freely).

The quality must be book printable (enough pixels).

Please send me e-mail of examples of your previous work along with the fee you would require for the sole rights for a map(use, print, publish etc.). Please note that the fee will be paid upon publishing! The copyrights for the map change hands when payment is made. I will choose the designer who's work quality and fees suit me the best. Please don't be afraid to negotiate if you feel it is needed.

This must be a unique map for my book series and I want the full rights with the finished product. The map makers name will be published with the book and he can sign the map with his own name. Also further work possible (paid on publishing) for the sequels etc. (possibly maps of cities etc.)

The size should be around 1200x900.

Feel free to ask questions. Looking forward to hearing from you and seeing your work.

-Sebastian BowlesThe_world_of_Crysania.jpg