Quote Originally Posted by SeerBlue View Post
is the zip file free to play with...
edit, I still get a kick out of seeing the way GTS braids the water channels and heaves up the glaciers, pure art.
Its Neons map of course but i'll keep it up on my site for a short while. The zip is the colour an height data for use with Dragon Flight so you can spin round it in 3D if you want or are able.

The river braids are sometimes quite cool but often there not supposed to be there. That was actually part of the fix applied to try to cut them down a bit more but don't worry, its still producing them in abundance - just a bit too abundant for my liking. What I did was where veg grows it adds a little height so that the water now flows around the veg a bit more. Thats thinning the rivers as the banks grows trees in the really flat flood plains. The problem used to be that when a lake overflowed then it blasted an exit and all the water would run out but the floor of the lake would be dead flat from the sediment build up. Now when new water comes in from the inlet it used to spray all over the flat bed and it would grow trees and stuff there but become patchy as the next bit of water would flood those trees, kill them off and new trees would grow in another equally flat bit and so on. Now where the first trees grow it adds some height there, the next bit of water tries to steer around them and so leaves them in place and then the erosion starts cutting a channel and before you know it, you have a new thinner river appearing on top of the flat flood plain. Much better. Its good to run it up over these new terrains to flush all of these issues out.