This is a map I was working on for a pathfinder game I am running. I plan to print it out for the upcoming session. For some context: if you have played Rise of the Runelords, this particular bit is set in Sandpoint. Though it isn't related to the AP, it could be incorporated quite easily. The mausoleum can belong to a noble family that worships Sarenrae. The PCs are called as several skeletons have risen and are attacking anyone that enter. An item was stolen from the mausoleum by a necromancer. He used minions to tunnel up from below. It so happens that he breached a sarcophagus first and used it to hide his tunnel. The tunnel leads to part of a Thassilonian ruin that was one part of the larger complex of the Old Light. This portion currently sits under Mill Pond and is partially collapsed and flooded (Water is knee deep). There is a small inner sanctum that the necromancer has been using as a base of operations. The hallway leading south is meant to continue a long way; which is why there aren't any walls there. Eventually it collapses but another breach in the wall connects that adjoining tunnel to the smugglers tunnel below Sandpoint.
