Quote Originally Posted by JrFan88 View Post
After giving the tut several shots, I have come here to vent my frustration and/or cluelessness (?)......

I have followed the tutorial step-by-step, trying to make sure I haven't missed anything, and yet I run up against the same stone wall time and again. Everything goes more or less peachy until I get to the "grass" level; when I apply the gradient map, the thumbnail shows the color layer, but the main window doesn't. If I start hiding layers, the color finally shows up, but goes away again as soon as I make the other layers visible again. There must be something that I'm missing, but I cannot figger out what in billy-blue hell it is. Has anyone else had this cunundrum? Or am I hallucinating?
Take a screenshot that shows your image and your layers dialog window and post up here. In case you don't know how:

  • Make sure it's all visible on the screen and then press the Print Screen button on your keyboard (it will look like nothing happened).
  • On your image go to Edit->Paste As->New Image
  • Save the image as a .jpeg
  • On the forum in reply, find the icon on the menu that looks like a paperclip. If you don't see it, you may have to click the "Go Advanced" button.
  • This opens a popup window where you can upload an image file
  • Finish your post and submit.