Very classy colour sceheme.

I like it. My main criticisms number three:

1. The mountains are good, the coast is good, but they are in stylistic conflict with each other. I prefer your mountains, so I'd suggest you nix the line around your cost and try some noise- sand or something, fading into your land.

Also, you might add some foamy ripples around the edge just for effect. You can do this by:

-Lasso your land, make a new layer, and fill it with black.
-Your land should look like black blobs (with the black covering it, but don't harm the original of course) Duplicate this layer several times
-Apply a layer effect- outer glow. Don't use the default curve- use an assortment of custom curves.
-Use a different curve on each layer. Your outer glow should be white.
-Flatten the layer effects to the layers (don't merge the layers together though)
-Set the modes of the black blob plus weird outline to a lighten only mode so your black blob vanishes.
-layer by layers, take your eraser to the new white outlines around your continent, breaking them up here and there.
-Finished- snazzy and simple foamy shore waves effect. Blur or apply other filters to taste.

2. Your roads.

Logistically, some of them are too straight (terrain is hilly, and people make mistakes). Also, some of them are nearly parallel- unless the people running each road for some reason don't like to share traffic, many of your main trade routes could be combined. Roads are expensive to upkeep, particularly when you have more than you need.

3. The key. I zoomed in and looked all over for it. Aren't most keys in the bottom right?
It's floating up there, and that's kind of weird to me...

Anyway, great map