Okay, a quick update.



Here I moved the M out of the way of the center of the logo - it was getting muddled up with the rest of the lines. I'm not sure this works yet though....

@Carnifex - the arrow is to highlight the direction of the compass, and also to make it more than just a straightforward spined compass rose. I agree that the overall colours were too different for it to fit with the compass. I've knocked it back a bit to help it blend in here. I'd be interested to hear if people think this is better or worse.

@RobA - I think I will do that - but I'll be holding off on that until I can finalise a font! Redoing those each time would get wearing....

@Ascension - That's an interesting idea. I'll have to play with that. I don't really use layer styles yet. I should really get into those. I agree about wanting to avoid being pigeonholed as pure Fantasy, but actually I prefer making fantasy maps to sci-fi so I'm not too bothered by shoehorning a tech font in there.

Hmmm - tried it on a different background and it looks a bit rubbish. Hmmm. Will have to do a little re-thinking....