Quote Originally Posted by delgondahntelius View Post
I've got a question...
Sure, go for it.

Quote Originally Posted by delgondahntelius View Post
So, Andy, how does it feel to be worshipped as a mapping GOD?? lol.. heh, I could see it coming too, sorry I didn't give you a warning, not about what was coming .. but the sheer attitude and strength of the praise about to engulf you....
Heh! I manage somehow.

Quote Originally Posted by delgondahntelius View Post
As for some tutorials, I'd like to see how you do those mountains, to me, mountains on an overland map are always the hardest, I don't know why. I'm doing several maps for a book that I and my wife have written, and the deadline is getting closer and closer... unfortunately, I've got to put them in B/W... well, greyscale anyway. I posted some of the mountains I have already which (surprisingly) got easier each time I set one up for a brush... but any advice would be inspiring and helpful.
I trust you mean the mountains from the Kislev map? They were really easy, I'll make a post about that in a bit. I'll see if I can rustle up an image to support what I type.

Quote Originally Posted by delgondahntelius View Post
And any tutorial you have on mapping tricks would be cool too... any cool map effects you might have done, or ways you've sped up some processes. I dunno, yer the pro.. you tell us
I'll admit, I'm a little unsure what to say. It's far easier to ask than it is to come up with something, if you see what I mean? We'll start with the mountains, and if you spot anything else you'd like to know about, I suppose we can move on from there. My problem is that none of my mapping 'tricks' seem all that special to me, so picking out something is pretty hard.

As for speeding things up -- well, I don't really. I'm a bit old-fashioned with my maps: I just draw it all. Sometimes, that just takes time.

Quote Originally Posted by delgondahntelius View Post
I also have to gush a bit, the Erengrad map is truly one the best city maps I've ever seen... but somehow, I think you already know this... will we see any of your current maps you've done or have been working on? The personal ones, not the commercial ones ... I'd love to see even more of your work
Thanks, glad you like it. As for my own maps, I may post a few later, but I rarely have time for anything bar commissioned work these days, which is a shame.